BTS Quartet Competition Bones Apart Award

Applications are invited for

The BTS Quartet Competition
Bones Apart Award

The competition will consist of two rounds; a preliminary round where applicants must submit an audio recording and a final live round which will take place at the British Trombone Festival 2024, to be held at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

Three finalists will be chosen from the preliminary round to take part in the live final on Saturday, 26 October, 2024.

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The Prize


BTS Quartet Competition Bones Apart Award 

Four Denis Wick Vouchers

A recording and video session at World of Sound Studios with post-production

Entry Details

Repertoire For Preliminary Round

Applicants are to submit an unedited audio (mp3) recording of:

  • Low Down from Four Dances by Callum Au
  • An own choice piece.

Low Down is available from Callum Au Music priced at £9.99

 Applications close Monday, 1 July 2024.


General Conditions

  • The competition is open to trombonists of all nationalities.
  • Entrants must submit an unedited mp3 file, attached to the completed registration form, no later than midnight (BST), Monday, 1 July 2024.
  • Quartets may contain any combination of bass, tenor or alto instruments.
  • Three finalists will be invited to perform at the final competition; entrants must be available to perform at The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on Saturday, 26 October, 2024 as part of the British Trombone Festival.
  • Finalists will be notified by Thursday, 1 August 2024.
  • Overseas entrants selected as finalists must ensure that appropriate visas have been obtained before the date of the final.
  • To maintain impartiality, audio files must not include the names of the performers, or any other identifying features.
  • Submitted MP3 files will remain the property of the BTS.
  • Final round performances are open to the public.
  • Travel expenses to and from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire will not be paid.
  • The decision of the judges is final and binding, there is no right of appeal.


Free, where all four players are paid up members of the BTS.

£50 per quartet where one or more players are non-BTS Members.

