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The new Constitution was voted in by members at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 6 October 2013, at Oundle School.
The name of the Society shall be The British Trombone Society, hereinafter referred to as the Society.
The objects of the Society shall be:
Membership of the Society shall be open to any person interested in furthering the objectives of the Society, and who has paid the annual subscription at the appropriate rate or rates as shall be determined by the Committee, all subscriptions being payable in advance.
Every member shall have one vote.
The Committee has the power to terminate the membership of any individual, provided that the decision of the Committee (with the exception of (i) the individual concerned if a member of the Committee and (ii) any member of the Committee making or connected with the complaint against the individual) is unanimous both as to the termination and as to there being good reason for it, and provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee, accompanied by a friend if desired, before a final decision is made.
The management of the Society shall be in the hands of a Committee, consisting of the following Officers: President, Vice-President, Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than two, nor more than five other members: the Officers and the other Committee members shall be elected by and out of the Society's members at the Annual General Meeting; they shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. The Committee are the charity trustees.
Meetings of the Committee will be quorate when at least four members are present, to include either the Secretary or Treasurer and the President or Vice-President. The Committee may discuss issues when inquorate but decisions must be ratified by a quorate meeting.
The Committee may co-opt further members to the Committee "ex officio", but unless otherwise provided they are full members of the Committee with voting rights and so they must not be paid.
All the arrangements for concerts and other events and the control of finance shall be in the hands of the Committee.
In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Committee may exercise the following powers:
No individual shall be excluded from membership of the Society or de-barred from any official capacity on the Committee on the grounds of sex, race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliation.
Within three months of the end of each financial year the members shall be summoned to an Annual General Meeting, of which at least 21 days' notice in writing shall be given to all members.
The Committee shall present to each AGM the report and accounts of the society for the preceding year.
Nominations for election to the Committee must be made by members of the Society in writing and must be in the hands of the Secretary of the Committee at least 14 days before the AGM. Should nominations exceed vacancies, an election shall be held.
A Special General Meeting (also known as an Extraordinary General Meeting), of which at least 21 days' notice in writing must be given to members, may be called for by the Committee or upon written request to the Secretary signed by at least twenty members of the Society. The notice must state the business to be discussed.
The Secretary or other person specially appointed by the Committee shall keep a full record of proceedings at every general meeting of the charity. There shall be a quorum when at least 30 of the members of the society at the time are present at any general meeting.
The financial accounts shall be audited or examined to the extent required by legislation or, if there is no such requirement, scrutinized by a person who is independent of the Committee and then submitted to the members at the Annual General Meeting
The Constitution may be altered by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any General Meeting, provided that fourteen days' notice of the proposed alteration has been sent to all members and provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise any amendment which shall have the effect of the Society ceasing to be a charity.
No amendment may be made to clause 1 (the name of the charity), clause 2 (the objectives), clause 9 iv) (distribution of assets), or clause 15 (dissolution), without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission.
The Committee shall send the Charity Commission a copy of any amendment made under this clause.
In the event of the Society being wound up, any assets remaining upon dissolution after the payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions having similar objectives to those of the Society