Bursaries & Loans

About Bursaries & Loans
The BTS provides an annual Bursary Scheme. Members may apply for a bursary up to the sum of £250. Applications open on 1st June each year. In addition, the Society…

Annual BTS Bursaries
Applications for funds up to £250 open on 1 June each year and close on 31 July. Successful applicants will be notified by 1 September.
The British Trombone Society administers the fund,…

Project Funding
In addition to our Annual Bursaries, the BTS welcomes proposals from members to support larger projects. We ask that you consider the text below and submit a written proposal to…

Instrument Loan Scheme
The BTS possesses six instruments (Conn 88H F/Bb tenor (x2), Rath R400 F/Bb tenor, Yamaha YSL-88GO F/Bb tenor, Conn 62H bass and Voigt J-164N bass) which are available to members…