The Saga of the Missing Trombone – Part III
Posted 06 February 2023 by Robert Sheldrake

We are absolutely delighted to report that our errant Yamaha trombone has finally been returned to the BTS!
After five long months of wrangling with DPD, a small but dedicated team within the bowels of Trombone Towers has emerged triumphant after what seems like an endless pursuit of justice and honour against all odds of hiding behind countless emails and buck passing within their organisation. Eventually, someone within DPD was found who was willing to pick up the baton and assist in the instrument’s recovery.
We reported last time that we knew the whereabouts of the trombone after discovering it being advertised for sale. A short police investigation determined that the instrument had been sent by DPD to an auction house (without the authority to do so) and it was subsequently sold. The person who bought the instrument did so in good faith but despite having learned of the trombone’s provenance chose to offer it for sale rather than return it to the auction house as an unauthorised sale.
Persistent pressure ultimately paid off and our thanks go to the BTS sleuths for enabling its return (you know who you are!). The trombone can now be returned to our Instrument Loan Scheme in preparation for the next round of applicants.